Saturday, January 29, 2005

Celery & ham

Is everyone sick? I have been sick for the past week. You know, all the good stuff like runny nose, sleeping uncontrollably (like I have narcolepsy), nausea. I took the day off of school on Tuesday. I only go to school twice a week so I missed a lot.

I've been baking a lot. Right now I am sitting at the kitchen table waiting for my peanut butter and chocolate cookies to cool so I can eat one. I am a fat slob Everyone in my house is on a diet. My mom is on South Beach; she started it two weeks ago and already lost fifteen pounds. My step-dad is on strict Atkins. He hasn't looked at a carb in two weeks. He has also lost fifteen pounds. My stick figure of a brother is on a diet for tennis. He's just cutting out the junk food. I swear, he's 6'7" and two hundred pounds. He's thin.

In other news, I am obsessed with craigslist. Whenever I am bored I look at the free stuff, stuff for trade, event tickets, etc. You should check it out if you haven't already. Do this: (of course, use the major city by which you live).

My brother is finishing our basement. He's putting walls up, a hot tub and crap like that. They hit some wire down there and now our doorbell keeps ringing. Its freaky.


  1. Friends don't let friends take pictures drunk...

  2. I was hoping someone would get a kick out of those pics! :)

  3. Yes, they are rather...amusing?

    Heh heh
