Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Summer Fun

I start summer school next Monday. I'm taking a five-hour Anthropology Class called "The Human Adventure"; I'm sure it is going to f*cking SUCK.

I am thinking about going to Washington, DC for a weekend at the end of July. The Sox are playing Baltimore that weekend at Camden Yards. I want to stay near the Mall in DC or in Georgetown and hop a commuter to Baltimore for a game or two (or three!)

Is it just me or is Aaron Rowand striking out more than ever before.

Here's those long awaited hair pics that you've been e-mailing me about. I took these a few minutes after I got home from the appointment. Yes, I am wearing a Kerry Wood Cubs shirt in the photo. A friend bought it for me from a Salvation Army as a joke. I didn't care if it got bleached ;)

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  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    A Kerry Wood shirt? You've finally seen the light...

  2. You musta lost your damn mind! And don't think I don't know who you are...
