Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Little Ben

I'm lying in my bed using my built-in AirPort extreme on my new iBook. I love it.

I am talking to my ex-boyfriend from high school Chris on iChat and he is in an unhealthy relationship with a woman who also happens to be the mother of his son. Ben. I really want to see the little rugrat because I haven't yet. Hell, I haven't seen Chris in probably a year -- but we keep in touch. Apparently she won't let Chris take little Ben out of her sight. Sucks for me, but mostly it sucks for him.

I am going to update this later with a cute picture of little Ben (after his horrible father finds a recent one to send me! :) )


  1. Wireless internet totally kicks ass. It is almost as much fun as boobs.

    Well maybe not...but it is still pretty damn cool!

  2. I prefer having boobs, but I agree that its pretty damn fabulous.

  3. WiFi and boobs are a tossup. Although, I'd gladly trade WiFi to play with someone else's boobs.

  4. I guess it depends on the boobs too ;)
