Thursday, January 06, 2005

Election Problems

I was listening to the ritual/tradition of the Senate certifying Electoral College votes this afternoon on CSPAN when the Democrats (except Barack Obama and Dick Durbin , to name a few) began to protest against the election process that failed many Americans, including long lines, non-functioning ballot counters, intimidation, ballots, etc. Every vote must count and every vote must be counted.

Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois) is fed up with voters being denied the right to vote and objected to the counting of Ohio’s votes.

What can we do about this? Not get over it. Not move on. Not say that we are doing the best we can. It is our patriotic duty to stand up for every voter no matter his or her race or party affiliation. A national demand for electoral reform and promotion of Help America Vote Act is needed. The government must be held accountable for letting intimidation and tampering occur in polling places. The election results should not be reversed, but the point being made should be recognized.

If there is a receipt available at stores and ATM’s to prove purchase, there should be a receipt available for computerized polls. Election Day should become a national holiday. Why do we have the day off for Presidents’ Day if our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves thinking about what is happening to this country?

Barbara Boxer (D-California) and Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio) led the debate.


Tubbs Jones
"I have concluded that objecting to the electoral votes from Ohio is the only immediate way to bring these issues to light," Ms. Boxer said in a letter to Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio, a leader of the Democratic challenge.
"The goal is to debate the issue," Tubbs Jones told The Associated Press. "And why not? We go across the world trying to ensure democracy, but there are some problems with the process in the United States."
Exactly. Why are we worried about democracy in Iraq when they don’t want it? I think I speak for everyone when I say WE WANT DEMOCRACY and we should be able to talk about it if we want to. Boxer, Tubbs Jones and every other democrat in both houses of the United States Congress has a right to bring these issues to light without being called a “sore loser”.
Oh, and fuck Tom DeLay. This is not a bunch of noise and it is not ludicrous.

New York Times article here


  1. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I hadn't realized that you were so empathetic with the founding fathers that you could accurately proclaim how they would view today's democratic process. Perfect it is not, and yes debate is an accurate measure and one that is forthcoming and worthy of employment, but to argue that it is worse than it was in the 19th and late 18th centuries flirts with lunacy. If anything, i imagine the founding fathers to be spinning in their graves at a slower, decreasing rate than they have in the past.

    Also, it is a stretch to say Iraqis don't want their own form of democracy. They don't want this madness that has resulted from the vacuum of power, they don't seem to want an American prescence, but I have yet to see where a strong majority of Iraqis aren't in favor of democracy, especially when its idea is juxtaposed to that of dictatorship.


  2. Sorry Adam. I'll start writing fluff and stuff about you.

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Lame. Did i say don't write things like this? No, not in the least - just be precise. If you're going to appeal to ethos by inciting democracy and our founding fathers, make sure what your saying isn't "noise". If you're arguments can't themselves stand up to discussion why in the hell should we put any stock in what you're advocating? If you're not going to write fluff don't expect fluff comments. "Great job Kristy, you go girl!" Would that help the democratic process?

  4. What I am saying is that [obviously I don't know any fucking body who signed the constitution, but I think it's safe to assume]that they would be offended if no one challenged the fact that not all of the votes casted in America are counted. If no one ever questioned authority or the "process" how can changes be made or merely considered?

  5. You should take a look at Washington State's governor's race. First two recounts it was the republican who won. The third (hand) recount it was the democrat. They "found" votes. Some they've "found" were from dead people--dead before the election.

    The governor gets sworn in Monday. Some of the people are calling for a recount. It's insanity.

    Just thought I'd add to the joys... there's gotta be a better way.
